What to Do if Your Tooth Was Knocked-Out?

What to Do if Your Tooth Was Knocked-Out?

Dental Financing

As most of the dentists would agree, knocked-out or broken teeth are unattractive and they can also swiftly escalate into more serious health problems. This kind of problem should be solved immediately. Anyone who had a tooth knocked-out should seek emergency dental care within the first hour of the incident taking place.

Causes of Broken or Knocked-Out Teeth

There are many causes for broken teeth such as assault, sport injuries, multiple traumas to the head, falls and assaults. That kind of problem which was left untreated for a long period of time should not be taken lightly as it can lead to a whole host of other health problems.

Procedures to Follow

The most important thing patient needs to know that the first 30 min after the incident it is important to find any way to save the tooth. Patient need to think and act fast to try get the emergency help they require even if situation is critical. The only chance getting the patient’s tooth back is only if he preserved it right and the tooth didn’t die.

The best way to preserve the tooth is rinsing with milk or even place the whole tooth in milk so the tooth can absorb calcium which will help root to stay alive.

Although, if the root is already damaged it will be nearly impossible to reattach the tooth to the socket. But it makes a difference whether it is a child’s or adult teeth.

Can you put your tooth back in?

If for adult, every second (adult) teeth getting knocked-out teeth commonly. Older children get this problem even more often. If one of those teeth was knocked out it is really important to put the teeth in its socket as soon as possible, and then secure it as you see a dentist.

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